Nail Your Next Zoom Call

Cristian Canova
3 min readMar 3, 2021

How to look more professional on a video conference

If you ever open up your laptop and get startled about how terrible you look on camera, don’t worry you are not the only one. I have been in the same situation and that’s why I’m going to share some tips and tricks I learned along the way. Some of them will sound cliché, others will be new, but trust me when I say that a good screen presence can change your life: it can help you book the job you always desired, connect more with your clients or maybe meet the love of your life.


If you want to get ahead of the game, the first thing you have to work on is your setup. Your setup is comprised of:

  • a camera
  • a microphone
  • the background
  • the lights

Let’s start with your camera.

You are probably using your laptop webcam and that’s totally fine, or you can go a bit further by making a 30€ investment and buying an external webcam. But again, that’s totally up to you, just remember to position the camera to eye level (you really don’t want other people to look up your nose while talking).

Your computer mic will mostly do the job, but even here you can make a big improvement by buying an external USB microphone for around 20€.

An important component of your setup is the background. If you have books or photos behind you it can be distracting, while if you are in front of a window or light source you will turn into a silhouette and that’s worse. Try to find a neutral background without any distractions ( a white clean wall will do the work).

If possible, opt for natural light positioning yourself facing a window trying to avoid direct and overhead lighting.

Put all these little things together and you will make a clear improvement and a lasting impression.

Photo by Team Fredi on Unsplash


We have sorted out the most technical part, now we must move to another key element of video calls: ourselves.

You want to look professional and smart to impress others and make a good impression.
To do this, pay attention to how you dress, talk, and convey your energy.

For most business situations, you should dress the same way you would if you were in the office/meeting. This would obviously vary based on the nature of your company, but as a rule of thumb use something simple that will make you look sharp, like a button-up shirt. For a nonbusiness-related call, a plain color t-shirt will do the job (black is preferred).

Use a comfortable chair where you can sit still in it, avoiding any swivel chair. You will start swiveling, distracting others, and losing interest (thus energy). Sit up straight, with feet firmly planted on the ground for support.

Try to look on the camera from time to time, making eye contact with other people and showing that you are attentive. A great technique used by actors is to avoid blinking too much, as blinking is often associated with anxiety and stress.

And lastly, remember to focus on getting your message across, speaking slowly, clearly, and with confidence ( I wrote an article specifically on that topic here). Breathe, breathe and breathe before each sentence. Smile and connect with others. Stay in the moment.

Photo by John Baker on Unsplash

